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"I haven't done anything you need to be thanking me for, yet." Leslie said as she backed away with sparkling eyes and giggling voice."Oh, but you have. I am very thankful that you're happy. But, I thought you wanted to just talk and get to know one another," Jake told her. She had his pants undone again. "The jeans come off easier after the shoes," Jake advised. Leslie dropped to her knees and began unlacing Jake's running shoes. Kicking off the shoes he told her to hold the cuff of the jeans so he could extricate his foot. He steadied himself with a hand on her head and managed to free his legs from the denim without falling over.A dark shadow crossed Leslie's brow, but she chased it away. "Can we talk later? Right now I just want to get you naked and play."He felt her reach into his boxers as he pulled his T-shirt over his head, and said, "No, no, no. We have to get you naked before you play with him again." She pouted cutely, but kicked her flip-flops towards his shoes when he. She sucked and bobbed that hard piece of cock meat and then slowing started swallowing it until she had all of his 6” shaft in her mouth. I was watching and really enjoying the show then realized and remembered there was a second gloryhole. I stuck my finger thru and it was immediately replaced with the hard 5” cock from the second guy. I didn’t waste anytime I just swallowed it whole! What a nice sweet tasting cock he had. I could taste the pre-cum on the cock head. I started sucking and bobbing and would raise up and suck just his cock head. Run my tongue over the cock slit and then swallow it all over again. I had been sucking that cock for about 3 or 4 minutes when I turned and looked at my wife. She was watching me as she ran her tongue up and down that hard shaft. She whispered to me “Want to swap?” I raised up and nodded OK and we swapped cocks. She started where I left off and I started where she left off. She swallowed his cock and raised up. I knew she was running her.
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